About RopeyJen

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Pronouns (she/her)
My journey with Shibari started in 2017 as a bunny and I instantly fell in love with the bliss and stillness I found in rope. Fascinated with the intricacy and preciseness of tying, I started doing decorative self-tying soon after and began to self suspend when my insatiable desire for rope grew. I started learning to tie others in 2019 and have since had the privilege to share my passion through performances at sexpo, burlesque shows, cabarets, masquerade balls, community events and kink parties.
For me rope is a tool for mindfulness and sensual embodiment. A way to deeply connect with self and others beyond the verbal and physical realms. I feel most at peace when I fall into flow state, dancing in the back and forth of energy exchange with my rope partners. When I’m tying, I’m most inspired by my rope partners, their reactions and energetic states becoming intertwined with mine to create the tie that follows. 
As a rigger I would like to acknowledge the knowledge I have gained from attending level 1-4 classes at Evil Girls HQ under Miss Gen and Basanos, and intensive workshops with Supaku from Shibari Adelaide. My body manipulation, touch and energy exchange skills are also heavily influenced by my training as a Zen Thai Shiatsu Therapist
Rope fell into my life at a time when I yearned for connection and a safe community I could shelter in and begin to express myself. I feel so lucky that over the years I have found my rope family who have become my nearest and dearest humans who see and hold me in and out of rope. My hope is that Rope Haus will become a place where people can safely discover or expand their love of rope, and find their tribe along the way.